Oggy’s live schedule for 2018/July!
2018/07/02Oggy’s live schedule for 2018/July.
7/3 (Tue) 18:00 – (BGM @ Private event)
Place: Somewhere in Tokyo
Artists: Oggy
7/7 (Sat) Open 18:45 Start 19:15
Milkyway Music Live: ~星の調べ~愛
Milky way Music Live – Star’s Melody – Love” event presents you a misterious world created by stars, songs and music.
Place: プラネタリウム・神奈川工科大学厚木市子ども科学館: Planetarium at Kodomo Kagaku-kan, Atsugi City, Kanagawa Institute of Technology (http://www.city.atsugi.kanagawa.jp/acsc/)
Artists: 大見明夜 (Akiyo Ohmi) & Sayumi
Sound Creator (PA): Oggy
前売り券 / 一般(中学生以上):¥3.000 / 小学生以下:¥1.500
当日券 / 一般(中学生以上):¥3.500 / 小学生以下:¥2.000 Advance/Junior high or above 3,000JPY Elementary or under 1,500 JPY Day of Parformance / Junior high or above 3,500JPY Elementary or under 2,000 JPY.
Ticket: http://akiyo.theshop.jp
100 JPY discount applied if you get the ticket through Oggy.
Oggy まで連絡頂くと1枚につき100円ディスカウントします。
It is going to be a GREAT show with sound and image in the Planetarium, with the owesome performers!
7/11 (Wed) Open 19:00 (Oggy 19:20-)
Place: Bar Ya Ya, Ebisu, Tokyo (https://ameblo.jp/keiichi-kukita/)
Artists: Oggy, 大島ヘブン, Yukiho, 舞華
Charge: 2,000 JPY (excluding drink)
Note: 500 JPY for drink
Feel free to come in and drink – it is a booking live event at a small bar in Ebisu.
7/14(Sat) Open 11:55~
Hikigatari Pasta Festa: 弾き語りパスタフェスタ 第94回
Place: La Fiesta, Hakuraku (http://www.lafiesta-jazz.jp)
Artists: うたたね, Oggy, タカ, たかまつなおき, 響(さとね), 林あきひこ
Charge: Free
No music charge is needed but you have to order one of the below special pastas since it is pasta festival!
a.なすとベーコンのトマトソース Tomato sauce pasta with egg plant and becon
b.冷製・野沢菜とアサリの和風ポン酢おろし Japanese style cold pasta with pickled Nozawana and clams.
7/22 (Sun) – 7/23 (Mon) (Oggy 7/23 18:00-)
Soemoncho Summer Festival 2018 (宗右衛門町夏祭り 2018)
This is one of the most exciting summer festivals in Osaka!
Place: Aioi Bridge, Soemoncho, Osaka – 大阪・宗右衛門町・相合橋上特設会 (Map)
7/22: 和太鼓 隼, 堀見悦子バレエ・ダンススタジオ (テーマパークダンス), Precious (ポップス), 山根由香 (ベリーダンス), ミス宗右衛門町コンテスト・最終選考, 彦八まつり実行委員会, Boon Earth Choir (ゴスペル), 稲葉和裕&アリサ (ブルーグラス), ミス宗右衛門町コンテスト・結果発表, 帝塚山スタジオ (フラメンコ)
7/23: 和太鼓 隼, アキデス ロボコン (ロボットダンス), Oggy.* (ジャズ), TAKURO (ポップス), THE☆CHONDARAS (沖縄ソング), 彦八まつり実行委員会, 山村友五郎 (日本舞踊), キャトルフィーユ (トランペット), KING COLUMBIA (スイングジャズ)
Charge: Free
At Soemon-cho, the very center of Osaka, the summer festival will keep you entertained with the various stages and food/drink stands.
A big earthquake just occured in the north side of Osaka last month. I would like to express a deep sympathy to those who caught any damages as a result of it. The rainy season quickly cleared up in Japan and it is getting really hot like a real summer. Let’s not get knocked down by the heat and hang in there!
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.