7/12 (Fri) Open 19:00 – Place: Bar Ya Ya(https://ameblo.jp/keiichi-kukita/) Artists:
2.Oggy 20:00〜20:30
3.マッキー星野 20:40〜21:10
4.山崎ジュリ 21:20〜21:50 Charge: 2,500 yen (incl. one drink)
7/22 (Mon) – 7/23 (Tue) (Oggy 7/23 17:40-18:10) Soemoncho Summer Festival 2019 (宗右衛門町夏祭り 2019)
This is one of the most exciting summer festivals in Osaka! Place: Aioi Bridge, Soemoncho, Osaka – 大阪・宗右衛門町・相合橋上特設会 (Map) Charge: Free
At Soemon-cho, the very center of Osaka, the summer festival will keep you entertained with the various stages and food/drink stands.
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/June
June 1st, 2019
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/June
6/7 (Fri) Open 19:00 – Place: Bar Ya Ya(https://ameblo.jp/keiichi-kukita/) Artists:
1. Oggy 19:20〜19:50
2. マッキー星野 20:00〜20:30
3. 松浦洋介 20:40〜21:10
4. 助っ人太郎 21:20〜21:50 Charge: 2,500 yen (incl. one drink)
6/8 (Sat) Open 19:00 – Hikigatari Pasta Festa vol.105 – 弾き語りパスタ Festa第105回 Place:La Fiesta, Hakuraku (http://www.lafiesta-jazz.jp) Artists: じあん、Oggy、仙田晶一、たかまつなおき、加藤由広、竹内公一、響(さとね)、林あきひこ Charge: Free (No music charge is needed but you have to order drink or food.)
6/24 (Sun) Open 15:00 – Japanese Oldies & Brave Artist event- Japaneseなオールディーズ&Brave Artist Place:遊楽Brave Bar 横浜 Artists: バタヤン、Yussa、屍淫、Oggy、藤代義明、An、hicco、Kaz、Billy、望月薫、灯夜 Charge: 2,000 yen (incl. one drink.)
Looking forward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/May
April 30th, 2019
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/May
5/10 (Fri) Open 19:00 – Ya Ya’s Fusion Night Vol.62 : Ya Ya’s フュージョンナイト Vol.62 Place: Bar Ya Ya(https://ameblo.jp/keiichi-kukita/) Artists:Oggy、伊藤聡、丸塚ミツル、高雄文
Charge: 2,500 yen (incl. one drink)
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/April
April 29th, 2019
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/April
4/30 (Tue) Open 14:30 – Goobye “Heisei”: サラバ平成~平成最後の日ラストイベント~ Place:La Fiesta, Hakuraku (http://www.lafiesta-jazz.jp) Artists: Oggy、メモリーズ、タカ、みのり、Anne Marie(ひらわたあんな/ウクレレ&もりまさお/Bass)、林あきひこ Charge: Free (No music charge is needed but you have to order drink or food.)
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/March!
February 28th, 2019
Oggy’s live schedule for 2019/March
3/9 (Sat) Open 12:00 – Hikigatari Pasta Festa: 弾き語りパスタフェスタ 第102回 Place:La Fiesta, Hakuraku (http://www.lafiesta-jazz.jp) Artists: Oggy、うたたね、下村良輔、竹内公一、タカ、内田翔矢、響(さとね)、たかまつなおき、林あきひこ Charge: Free (No music charge is needed but you have to order the special pasta since it is pasta festival!)
3/12 (Tue) Open 19:00 –
Ya Ya’s Fusion Night Vol.35 : Ya Ya’s フュージョンナイト Vol.35 Place: Bar Ya Ya(https://ameblo.jp/keiichi-kukita/) Artists: Oggy、松浦洋介、出海圭太 、助っ人太郎
Charge: 2500 yen (incl. one drink)
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
Oggy’s live schedule for 2018/September!
September 15th, 2018
Oggy’s live schedule for 2018/September
It has been an intense summer in Japan, with extreme heat, earthquake, tyhoon and so on. I hope you are doing well. This month, I will be cordinating music event! Looking forward to mingle with various members.
日本は大変な猛暑・地震・台風の夏でしたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。今月は音楽イベントの運営をやります! 色々なメンバーの交流が楽しみです。
Looking foward to see you there!
All the schedule is based on JST (Japan Standard Time) unless otherwise stated. The start/end time may be slightly changed.
特に明記ない限り日時は JST (日本標準時間) 。開始終了時間は少しずれる可能性があります。
The Oggy part of each show of MAY BE broadcasted at below.
各イベントの Oggy ライブ部分は以下で放送する場合があります。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oggy8
The schedule may be added so stay tuned.
World Marketing Summit Japan 2015
September 13th, 2015
Oggy appears at World Marketing Summit Japan 2015 website (Japanese)!
ワールド・マーケティング・サミット・ジャパン2015 のウェブサイトに登場!
Oggy’s essay (in Japanese) has been posted on the official site of WMSJ2015, World Marketing Summit Japan 2015 held in Tokyo on October 13 – 14, 2015.
Today is an anniversary for me. It has been exactly 11 years since I moved to the US for the first time. Back in 1997, March 19th when I was still enjoying my 20s, I had a farewell party called “Oggy FINAL” in Ebisu, Tokyo to drink with lots of friends, co-workers in Japan and then I flew to San Jose on the next day. I worked in Silicon Valley from March 20th 1997 through September 2002 for 5.5 years as a software engineer, technical analyst and planner. I fully enjoyed my first US life like outdoor activities, sports, wine tasting, home parties… I was also inspired and affected by the Silicon Valley events/cultures including the dot com booms and even the recessions during the period. I moved back to Tokyo for 2002-2007 but I have returned to the US (Midwest) now.
Well, amazingly it’s the 11th time already. Time flies and life is short!
March 8th, 2008
KWEST night out @ Merle’ BBQ
Discussion about Japan-night @ McManus
Won “War Game” Competition!
March 7th, 2008
I have participated in a wireless indusry war game competition as a member of the Kellogg team against other MBA schools and… our team won!
This has been an excellent learning experience for me in a lot of ways.
Classes Taken
March 1st, 2008
I am/was taking the classes as follows:
Fall 2007
Leadership in Organizations (Uzzi)
Business Strategy (Hubbard)
Marketing Management (Hennessy)
Factory Physics I (Iravani)
Accounting for Manufacturing Management (Balachandran)
Winter 2008
Finance I (Kondo)
Factory Physics II (Watson)
Microeconomic Analysis (Loeper)
Understanding hte Media and its Content (Smith)
Names in the parenthesis show professor.
PEEK Entrepreneurship trek in Chicago
December 6th, 2007
We visited two startups in Chicago on Wedensday, December 5th. I played a leadership role of the trek for PEEK (Private Equity and Entrepreneurship at Kellogg), a student run organization.