Christmas Live Party
December 23rd, 202112/24(金) 18:30~23:00クリスマスライブパーティをFacebook Liveにてやります! 少しでもお時間がある方はぜひご参加ください!
19:00: 基調講演「スケールアウト(株)の10年の歩みと今後の展望」 (Oggy)
19:45: 特別企画「~明夜~の作詞家デビュー20年を祝い隊!」(~明夜~)
21:00: コラボ・交流タイム「コミュニティの素晴らしい仲間たち」(Krystalcube、Oginomad、山原進)
22:30: Oggy Live Today
23:00: クローズ
* タイムテーブルは暫定のものであり、変更の可能性があります。
* 司会進行: Oggy
February 28th, 2021当サイトは14年ぶりにマイナーリニューアルしました。大がかりな変更ではないですが従来のコンセプトを維持しながら、より読みやすく、よりページをナビゲートがしやすいように、との思いでデザインを試行錯誤しました。サイト名称をライブ配信にちなんで「Oggy Live Today」とし、メニュー構成なども見直しています。過去の記事はそのまま見ることができます。いかがでしょうか? バグとか不具合がありましたらご連絡ください♪。
Parallel Entrepreneurship
August 10th, 2020ビデオをさらに1本アップしました。
Overall picture of activities with Parallel Entrepreneurship
Check out the new video release
August 5th, 2020Oggy Live Today 100回記念のビデオを2本アップしました。
- Greetings from 100th Oggy Live Today
100回記念のごあいさつです。 - Reviewing 100 times of Oggy Live Today
Oggy talks about his music and reviews the 100 times of the online live.
Oggy Live Today vol. 100 Special Program
July 12th, 20201時間に延長し、ライブやライフを振り返りたいと思います。
- 100th Live
- What’s up today
Official Facebook Page ready
June 14th, 2020Oggy Live Today (online)
May 16th, 2020少し久しぶりの更新です。
Date: & Time: Everyday
- Japan: 22:30 – 23:00 (JST)
- California: 6:30 – 7:00 (PDT)
- Chicago: 8:30 – 9:00 (CDT)
- NewYork: 9:30 – 10:00 (EDT)
- London: 14:30 – 15:00 (BST)
- As long as online, other regions should be OK. (ネットが繋がっていればその他の地域も可能)
Place: Eveywhere (Online)
- Oggy Facebook Page
- And/or other media
緊急事態宣言もあったので、Oggy の音楽発信としては物理イベントは控え、オンラインライブを行っています。
Facebook が多いですが、他メディアでもやることがあります。またアナウンスしていきたと思います。
Online Music Day
June 29th, 2008As a deep music-lover, I spent my time rebuilding my computer environment for music today.
- Purchased “Cliffs of Dover”, a guitar instrumental tune by Eric Johnson, at iTunes for $0.99. This is probably a long-tail kind of song picked up by not so many people, but it is a great one.
- Played Miles Davis at an online radio station I ‘created’ at This is what I couldn’t try in Japan because of the area restriction for the sake of content copyrights.
- Visited and played with This is a cool music recognition technology.
- Renewed my account at (an online music society in Japan), and installed its iTunes plug-in, which keeps track of song list I play on PC and shares the list in the community.
- Created song list (i.e., a playlist) of jazz guitar tunes to share at the community of, the largest SNS in Japan. Installed “Mixistation” software, which, again, keeps track of songs I play on the PC.
- Played with, a large online music society that also distributes its own music player software.
- Installed two applications (Pandora and iLike) on Facebook. It seems that iLike is more broadly used than Pandora in the Facebook community.
- Backed up my 25,000 iPod-songs onto the PC. The PC hard drive that contained the songs had been dead. So I ran CopyTrans (a shareware) to restore all the songs in my old iPod back to my PC, after trying three other freewares, all of which failed. I found CopyTrans a easy-to-use and reliable s/w! (e.g. The other freewares collapsed the Japanese song names imported from the iPod.)
I have been familiar with most of these online music services or software for long time, but recently I could not allocate my time to enjoy music deeply and to catch up the latest tech scene of what is going on in this area. So it has been a good chance for me to revive my hands-on spirit and refresh my mind in this kind. All of these services are very cool and most of the functions are much more easy to use and reliable than before. At the same time, using these is still somewhat time-consuming and inanimate to me though.
In particular, this April I had a chance to join the speaker event of the founder of Pandora, Tim Westergren, the event hosted by the Entrepreneurship Club at Kellogg. He said Pandora is (and will be) focusing on the internet radio and its competitor is Clear Channel, the largest radio network in the US. (I will talk about the club some time later.)