Live Report: Elder Care Facility (Trecuore Wakabadai)
February 21st, 2016Played jazz at an elder care facility in Yokohama.
横浜の高齢者施設内にて Jazz 演奏してきました。
Date: 2015/12/27 (Sun)
Place: トルクォーレ若葉台 (Trecuore Wakabadai)
Member: Oggy (g), Kei Murasakino (g), Mie (tp) – “Oggy and Friends”
“Night Party”, which is a year-end party under the concept of stylish jazz bar in the facility.
There is no jazz bar in the elder care facility, but they created the atmosphere, with the “venue” room decorated as such, somebody shaking cocktail, and so on.
Almost all the participants (i.e., residents) came along with their private vehicle called wheelchair.
Our role was to generate some nice and cozy background music. We played standard jazz tunes for two stages, with two guitars and one trumpets. Kei and Mie, thanks for the great jobs. I am not sure how much attention the audience paid to the music, but I felt some warm human interaction in the midst of the winter.
I’d like to thank all the staffs (including Y.O.U., who introduced us to here) at Trecuore for providing the environment that made us perform with joy but no hassle!
そんな中で BGM っぽく、2ギター+1トランペットという構成で、ジャズのスタンダード曲を2ステージ演奏させて頂きました。Kei さん、ミエさんお疲れ様でした。どこまで参加者の皆さんが聴いてくれていたのか分かりませんが、年の瀬に暖かい心の交流が持てたような気がしました。
トルクォーレのスタッフの皆さんには (紹介者の Y.O.U. さん含め) とても演奏しやすい場を作ってくださり、感謝です!