Date 22:30, November 11th, 2024( JST )
Place Facebook Live

A performance at an Automatic Day, meaning the day that passes somewhat automatically, not necessarily meaning the day to show some automated performance.

Date 22:30, November 10th, 2024( JST )
Place YouTube Live
Co-star Hiromi

A Day of Reminiscence Performance

Date 22:30, November 9th, 2024( JST )
Place YouTube Live

Processing the recording of a conversation between guitars.

Date 22:30, November 8th, 2024( JST )
Place Facebook Live

Back to desktop music, working solemnly.

Date 22:30, November 7th, 2024( JST )
Place Facebook Live
Co-star Jacob, Mahe, Nahor, Tulonga, Miniyu

A special day as Intern Alumni members and others reunited after a long time! Jacob gave a presentation on his experience at the J-Agri event, followed by a music collaboration with everyone. Huge thanks to Jacob and all of you!