Report: Summer Acoustic Festival (8/16)

August 17th, 2015

Summer Acoustic Festival (8/16) – played Hikigatari & prayed peace!

Date & Time: 2015/8/16 (Sun) Open 11:50 Start 12:00
Place: Yuraku Brave Bar Yokohama (遊楽ブレイブバー横浜)

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We held The Summer Acoustic Festival on a hot summer day, the next day of the 70th anniversary of ending the world war. So in this event we hoped to cool down as well as to maintain our peace, featuring Hikigatari music. Thanks so much to those who made it!



ヨコヤマハ (Yokoyamaha)

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The event started with his original song “Kaze Ga Fuku Machi” (i.e., Town where wind blows), expressing his emotions about 3.11 (Tohoku Earthquake) and the peace. He also sang a song about hometown, and showed an interesting comparison between PPM and Bob Dylan.

イベントはヨコヤマハ氏のオリジナル曲「風が吹く町」でスタート。3.11の大地震や平和に思いをはせる。故郷について歌った曲なども。PPM とボブディランの面白い作品比較も披露。

カラオケンジ (Karaokenji)

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Karaokenji mainly played “Natsumero”, Japanese oldies that bring old memories, including “Watashi No Aozora” (a.k.a. jazz standard “My Blue Heaven”). A coincident double meaning of Natsu (which also means summer)! He also played some original songs based on his own experience.

カラオケンジ氏は懐メロを数曲披露 (ジャズ「私の青空/My Blue Heaven」など)。「懐(ナツ)」と「夏(ナツ)」が偶然にも掛け合わされる! 自身の経験に基づいたオリジナル曲も。

タカ (Taka)

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Taka’s Hikigatari performance evolves day by day! He silently told about peace by eloquently playing a couple of songs about Yokosuka, which is his hometown. Some English songs (Carol King, S&G etc) and the Bossa Nova tune “Black Orpheus”.

日々進化を続ける弾き語り奏者・タカ氏。この日は故郷である横須賀関連の曲により平和を静かに語る。 キャロルキング、S&G やボサノバの「黒いオルフェ」 など、英語曲も数曲など。

こぎろおる (Cogirooru)

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Cogirooru is a duo unit of Cogimaru (left: man) and UZU (right: woman). They played mainly their tender and somewhat melancholic original songs, including “Rakugaki Darake No Vocabulary” (i.e., “Vocabulary Full of Scrabbles”), plus an English cover song “I Shall Be Released”.

こぎろおるは、コギ丸 (左: 男性) 氏とUZU (右: 女性) 氏によるデュオユニット。 優しく、どこかメランコリックなオリジナル曲(「落書きだらけのボキャブラリー」など)を中心に。英語の曲 ” I Shall Be Released” も。

いちろう16 (left: Ichiro16) – with 林あきひこ (right: Akihioko Hayashi)

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Impromptu collaboration of the two musicians. Ichiro16’s orginal songs, which embraces full of love and friendship,  were supported Akihiko’s vivid slide guitar. Also a Neil Young’s cover song was played.


Oggy – with Rosemary? (left) and 林あきひこ (right: Akihiko Hayashi).

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Oggy played a couple of original songs, bossa nova tunes (guest vocal: Rosemary?), then his original song “Brighter” (with Akihiko Hayashi’s slide guitar and Rosemary?’s back chorus), praying for peace.

Oggy はオリジナル数曲、ボサノバ (ゲストボーカル: Rosemary?)、そして最後にオリジナル曲「Brighter」を林あきひこ氏のスライドギター、Rosemary?氏のコーラスサポートにより演奏し、平和を祈った。

What is Hikigatari music?

“Hikigatari”, as you might know, is a music style in which the performer plays instruments (with hands etc) and sings (with voice) at the same time. The postfix “Gatari” means “talking” in English, so Hikigatari implies “sing like talking”. However, it is difficult to find a single English word that represents Hikigatari by one word. So, Hikigatari seems to be a music style/concept which we have uniquely cultivated in Japan, with much influence from western music.
Hikigatari is simple, but rich enough to deliver emotions and thoughts. Lots of differences are created by the tone of the instruments, playing style, vocal’s presentation, originally of melody and lyrics and so on, which weaves sound of the performer’s various personally. Some kind of sympathy, empathy and/or togetherness are created between players and audiences.
Guitar, piano, keyboard, ukulele… are commonly used instruments in Hiigatari. Especially in Japan, guitar seems to be used more often because it is convenient in that guitar can be bought by many people, can be used as multiple roles (solo and accompanying), and can be played anywhere, considering the housing conditions and the cost sensitivity in Japan. Also, Japanese as a native tongue is mainly used for lyrics.
In this Summer Acoustic Festival, such Hikigatari music have been performed by 6 musical projects (totally 9 people), who are guitar-centric musicians and active in Yokohama and other areas.
「弾き語り」とはご存じの通り、ギターなどの楽器を弾きながら歌う演奏スタイルのことです。「語り」という文字の通り、「語りかけるように歌う (sing like talking)」というニュアンスがあります。しかし、「弾き語り」を一言で表す英語の単語は意外にもないようですね。つまり弾き語りとは、洋楽から大きな影響を受けながらも、日本でも我々が独自に深めてきたスタイルやコンセプトと言えそうです。
今回のサマー・アコースティック・フェスティバルは、横浜界隈などで活動する、ギター系ミュージシャン6組(合計9名) による弾き語り演奏の数々をお届けしました。

“Hikigatari” is a Japanese word to describe a music style in which the performer plays instruments (with hands etc) and sings (with voice) at the same time. The postfix “gatari” means “talking” in English, so Hikigatari implies “singing like talking”. However, it is difficult to find a single English word that exactly represents Hikigatari by one word. So, Hikigatari seems to be a music style/concept uniquely cultivated in Japan, with much influence from western music.

Hikigatari is simple, but rich enough to deliver emotions and thoughts. Lots of differences are created by tone of the instruments, playing style, vocal’s presentation, originality of melody and lyrics and so on, which weave sound of the performer’s various personally. Some kind of sympathy, empathy and/or togetherness are generated between players and audiences. So maybe Hikigatari can be regarded as a way to understand each other through music.

Guitar, piano, keyboard, ukulele… are commonly used instruments in Hiigatari music. Especially in Japan, guitar seems to be prevalent because it is convenient in that guitar can be bought by many people, can be used for multiple roles (solo and accompanying), and can be played anywhere, considering the housing conditions and the cost sensitivity in Japan. In terms of language, Japanese as a native tongue is mainly used for lyrics. But western songs are also popular and covered often.

In this Summer Acoustic Festival, such Hikigatari music have been performed by 6 musical solo/units composed of totally 9 people, who are guitar-centric musicians and active in Yokohama and other areas.

「弾き語り」とはご存じの通り、ギターなどの楽器を弾きながら歌う演奏スタイルのことです。「語り」という文字の通り、「語りかけるように歌う (sing like talking)」というニュアンスがあります。しかし、「弾き語り」を一言で表す英語の単語は意外にもないようですね。つまり弾き語りとは、洋楽から大きな影響を受けながらも、日本でも我々が独自に深めてきたスタイルやコンセプトと言えそうです。



今回のサマー・アコースティック・フェスティバルは、横浜界隈などで活動する、ギター系ミュージシャン6組(合計9名) による弾き語り演奏の数々をお届けしました。

The Guitars used for Hikigatari performances

2015-08-17 Summer Acoustic Festival -1

In the festival, no instrument was used other than guitar, except for Ichiro16’s harp. 6 guitars have been “acoustic guitar”, plus there were one “semi acoustic” and one “tele-acoustic”. Each has different tone characters. The minimum structure showcased various music presentations from subtle to dynamic one.

フェス中、使用された楽器は (いちろう16氏のハーモニカを除き) ギターのみ。うち 6本は「アコギ」で、残り は「セミアコ」1本と「テレアコ」1本。それぞれが異なった音色を持っている。この最小限の構成から、繊細なものからダイナミックなものまで多彩な音楽表現が飛び出した。


12:00 ヨコヤマハ (Yokoyamaha)
12:30 カラオケンジ (Karaokenji)
13:00 タカ (Taka)
13:30 こぎろおる (Cogirooru)
14:00 いちろう16 (Ichiro16) with 林あきひこ (Akihiko Hayashi)
14:30 Oggy – with 林あきひこ (Akihiko Hayashi) and Rosemary?


遊楽ブレイブバー横浜 (Yuraku Brave Bar Yokohama)

“Peace Bowl” event had been held here on the other day (8/2), to pray for peace. The event was produced by FUJI, and Oggy joined to play a couple of songs.

ここでは平和祈念として「平和ボウル」というイベントも 8/2 に開催されていました。FUJI 氏によるプロデュースで、Oggy も数曲演奏。

Event Staff

Venue Manager: 上垣知道 (Tomomichi Kamigaki)
PA: あきも。(Akimo)
Producer: Oggy